In the same vein...
Involving different players, gathering expertise and uniting ambitions around a quality project is a challenge in itself. But in Trail, we are used to at least climbing mountains, if not moving them!

ExtraTrail 12A project of this stature does not appear without the desire and motivation of enthusiasts. But using public and private partners remain essential to support logistic and regulatory aspects, the funding of infrastructures and visibility in the media.
To this day, ExtraTrail has received the go ahead from the Cantonnement de Spa, the Département Nature et Forêts (DNF) (Wildlife and Forestry Department) for the implementation of paths over its territory, and can already count on the active support of DECATHLON Belgium & KIPRUN, Spa Monopole, the Communes of Spa, Stoumont, Jalhay, Stavelot, Theux and Trois-Ponts.
This support comes to us from communities and intercommunities, Tourist Information Offices of Wallonia and the Département Nature et Forêts (DNF) (Wildlife and Forestry Department); all on the quest to add sustainable value to the natural heritage of the region.